How to use Bars for setting up your Router Table ?
Success in woodworking greatly relies on your ability to set up your woodworking power tools and machines to make accurate and precise cuts raising the bed or adjusting your blade to the perfect tight are setting the pens in the ideal position are essential steps in getting high quality results .
You can achieve this with careful measuring or repeated test cuts but that’s time-consuming and still leaves a margin or error that often result in extra steps or ruined work pieces . for fast accurate set-ups every time the Kreg precision router table set up bars can be used .
Each of these precision Kreg bars made from high quality aluminum are actually three gauges and one start with the depth gauge .
To set the perfect bed or blade height the center bar straddles the runner bed our table saw blade making it easy to see when you’ve reached the desired height .
- Raised a bit or blade until it just touches the gauge and you’ve good to go next adjust the fence .
- Using the fence gauge simply place the gauge against the fence and slide them both over until the gauge lightly contacts the cutting edge . Block the fence down and you’re ready to cut finally .
- Finally , in certain applications you can check the accuracy of the cut using this depth gauge on the set up bar each kit includes seven set up bars from 1/8 inch 2 ½ inch that will work with virtually any router table especial this model : Kreg prs1040 precision router table system or table saw .
The bars are stored an organized in a convenient case so there an easy reach for fast accurate setups
Thanks to the accuracy or the Kreg prs1040 router table set up bars . Your project will come together faster with better results and fewer mistakes than over before.You can learn more online at web site of Kreg to find more information or more new tip and tricks to make your work be easier .
First of all and for purpose of demonstration some safety devices have been removed to better show the products and methods being promoted
Please ALWAYS follow manufacturer’s safety warnings and guidelines

Claire Derrick is a home blogger who loves to share her experiences with others. She likes being motivated and encourages people to be the best they can be.