The Front Doors for Household Security
Depending on the position of the apartment with up to 90% of burglaries take place through the front door, a smaller amount of windows and balconies (in the lower levels and under roof). Therefore, security of front door is the foundation of any good security system. If you live in an apartment where there are real threats to the windows, you need to use a grille or safety film to windows. For complete peace of mind, there are household security advisors for the best electronic security system, which will complement the mechanical security.
Category of door safety
Security categories defined by the new standard contains six categories. The products of lower categories (1 and 2) are indeed cheaper, but their actual resistance is negligible. Usually, they can be opened in a few minutes with an ordinary screwdriver. Real security doors begin from the 3rd safety class. For private or business objects, 4th safety class is usually used. Products 5th and 6th categories are used for special applications of strategic importance (power plants, banks, military installations, etc.).
The security of front door
Find references to give recommendations. Quality security doors are always made of rigid metal structure, with full sheet cover, steel frame and bolt system. The doors are usually locked in ten to twenty points, and are equipped with high quality security resistant insert drilling, picking insert and vibration method. Custom doors are also equipped with a special insert protection and lock. Modern security doors must not only meet the stringent technical as well as aesthetic criteria.
Security doors need to go through a complicated certification process. Security doors are certified not only from security and fire test, but also undergo further testing, construction testing by National Security Office. Conventional frames are designed for doors with a maximum weight of 40kg. Security doors are heavier. The clients can get free technical advice from specialist about state of the current frame.
Claire Derrick is a home blogger who loves to share her experiences with others. She likes being motivated and encourages people to be the best they can be.