How to Build Platform Rails

How to build platform rails. Deck rails provide a nice decorative touch and an important safety feature for your deck. If your deck is raised, it is important to closely follow the correct code in your state. You need to plan the tracks carefully to prevent people from accidentally falling off your deck. Call today custom decks Calgary professionals.

How to Build Platform Rails

Step 1

Design your railing according to your state’s building codes. You must space the axes no more than nine inches apart.

The handrail should be about five feet high, but you must allow extra length for the rail to begin to level with the bottom outside of your deck. Determine how much wood you will need for the project.

Step 2

Cut your wood 2 x 2 inches to the correct height for the shafts. Drill two holes in each spindle.

A hole should be 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the deck. The second hole should be 1 1/2 inch from the top outside the deck.

The holes are markers and must be smaller than the carriage bolt size.

Step 3

Screw each spindle into place using an electric screwdriver. For strength and stability, use the transport bolts.

Spindle parts should be level against the bottom of the deck. You should measure each piece carefully, because an error will be noticeable.

Step 4

Cut the 2 x 4s to the correct lengths. Attach each of the spindle parts with screws.

If you need to, join two 2 x 4 pieces together to make a join.

Step 5

Spot the rail to match your deck.

The deck will be not complete without a guide rail; as a result, it is significant to make a deck railing plan to help arrange for installations. The railing is made of more than a few different parts according to your funds, beauty and deck material.