Furnace Signs You Must Know About
The knowledge required to ascertain and treat malignant furnace signs requires years of study and experience when it comes to heating companies. Still, this useful information can be critical in saving you money on lost heat and costly repairs. So, join westerncanadianfurnace.ca as we look at several of the furnace signs you must know about.
Strange Noises and Smells
Perhaps the easiest way for furnace companies and consumers to tell if their furnace needs repair is by strange noises or smells. There is, of course, a difference between that gross “burnt dust” smell that comes with turning on a furnace for the first time in the winter months and unexpected problems. Large bangs and pops, or even small, uncommon sounds should be investigated with the help of a trained technician.
Starting and Stopping
Furnaces should cycle between states as the temperature in your building equalizes, but this should be a fairly regular occurrence. Many heating companies will look at inconsistent starts and stops as a problem with your furnace. This could be an issue with the pilot light, gas line or the heat sensor itself. In any case, contacting a professional should be considered.
Rusted or Damaged Flue
Your furnace’s flue is intended to transfer combustion gases safely outside of your home. For them to function correctly, they must remain intact and free from holes or other damage. Otherwise, they may not properly vent all these gases, which could lead to potentially dangerous concentrations.
Rising Utility Fees
Perhaps one of the best ways to determine if there is an issue with your furnace is by paying attention to your utility bills. While there will always be some fluctuations in the cost of these services, they should follow a consistent pattern year over year. If you notice the price of your heating and cooling bill rising dramatically in a short span, call a heating company and get an inspection to be sure there are no leaks or weaknesses in your furnace system.
Carbon Monoxide Signs
Carbon monoxide is a dangerous gas that must not be allowed to concentrate in your home, as it will lead to asphyxiation and respiratory problems. A damaged flue is one indication that you may be exposed to carbon monoxide. Another is a yellow flame in natural gas furnaces, as this indicates the gas isn’t burning off completely.
Old Age
Furnaces are not everlasting, and older units can lead to significant issues. Not only are they more susceptible to problems caused by wear and tear, but they may also cause problems in maintenance bills if they are not a common design or a rare holdover from another time. The general lifespan of a furnace is 20 years, and they should be replaced about that often as well.
These are just six signs that indicate your furnace may require maintenance or inspection. Still, the best way to maintain your furnace in the long term is to have scheduled maintenance and inspection, as this will prevent problems from worsening or continuing past a point of no return. Make sure to contact a heating company in your area if you require more information or specific advice about your furnace.
I am Scott Miller and my love is writing about home improvement. I write mostly about home ideas, but also share some tips and tricks that can make your life easier when it comes to getting things done in the house.