Care And Advice For Your Garden In Times Of Quarantine

There are already many countries in quarantine due to COVID-19, spending many hours at home can be difficult. But for those who have a garden at home, it may be a good time to provide care that they have never been able to do before.

So if you have a garden, no matter how big it is, you must feel lucky. This can help you stay focused, reduce your physical and mental stress, which is more than good for the duration of these days of seclusion.

For these reasons, we have decided to write a post with some tips for caring for your garden during quarantine.

Garden In Times Of Quarantine

10 tips for your quarantined garden

I have selected the ten cares or tips to carry out your garden these days. Surely I leave many unwritten, you can leave yours in the comment box.

– A tip that can never be lacking when we talk about caring for a garden is that we should dedicate adequate time for each plant. Not all of them need the same attention, and you should know that. In general, we are busy people who do not have that time, but now we do. Try not to sleep all day or watch Netflix, and spend some of your time in the garden.

– If there is a task that many gardeners do incorrectly, it is to prune their plants. Take advantage of these days to discover how and when to prune each of your plants correctly. At this point, I recommend that you visit

– Do you know exactly what plants you have in your garden? If you don’t know, start by cataloging the plants you have. Then find information about the special care you should take with each one. You spend a lot of time surfing the internet these days, I think you can do it. 😉

– There are plants that show all their beauty in summer, but there are also some that are more beautiful in winter (for example, Dogwood). If you have a correct balance of this type of plants, you can have a beautiful garden all year round. It’s time to work on this and make your garden look pretty even on the worst days.

Do not forget the grass, in general nobody likes to cut the grass (at least I speak for myself), do not forget to cut it regularly. In case you don’t have a good lawn in your yard, it’s time to plant it (in case the time is right).

Make sure that each plant has the space it needs for a good development. Otherwise, they will grow incorrectly, in addition to not allowing good air and sun circulation, which will cause diseases and fungi.

– Take the opportunity to detect all the weeds that cause so much damage to your garden. Once you find them, take the time to remove them one by one.

Fertilize correctly each of your plants. As you can imagine, not all plants in your garden need the same type or amount of fertilizer, some never need to be fertilized. In the event that quarantine does not cause locals to sell you fertilizers, it is a good time to make homemade fertilizers.

– I think I already repeated several times that you should try to dedicate part of your time to the garden. A task that can be relaxing is watering the plants, but not because you have time you should always be watering, excessive watering can be very bad. Water what is just and necessary.

– To finish with these basic tips to take care of your quarantined garden, let’s talk about the pests that you can have in your garden. Make it your goal these days to get rid of all the pests your plants have suffered through all these years, simply because you didn’t take the time to get rid of them. 😉

I don’t know how big or small your garden is, in case it is medium or large you will have enough homework for several hours. You can’t say you’re bored with quarantine anymore, you have to thank me.