4 Secrets to Carpet Cleaning at Home

There are many methods for cleaning carpets. However, care must be taken when cleaning this item, because depending on its material, it can be permanently damaged. In other way, hiring professional carpet cleaning service is an important option.


1 – Forget commercial cleaning products

There is no need to rush to a store and buy expensive carpet cleaning products. Most people have some simple elements that can clean the carpet with extreme efficiency. Baking soda, vinegar and mild liquid soap are examples of carpet cleaners and disinfectants. Avoiding using chemicals to clean the carpet helps both in saving money and your family as well – you will not feel strong odors.

2 – Make your stain remover

Over time, carpets often develop blemishes. Adults, children and pets contribute to the dirty carpet. Fortunately, stains can be removed with a homemade solution that is made from mixing one quart of cold water with 1/4 cup of liquid detergent. A mixer helps to blend the contents as it helps to create foam.

To clean with the homemade solution, use a soft brush and gently rub the foam into the fibers of the stained carpet in a circular motion. After removal of the stain, the area should be wiped with a damp cloth and dried with a hair dryer.

3 – Vinegar is your friend

The vinegar is a natural disinfectant and neutralizer. It can be used to clean a number of surfaces, including carpet. Vinegar can kill germs if they develop between carpet fibers, as well as neutralize the acidity of urine from pets while eliminating unpleasant odors.

4 – Homemade dry cleaning

To make the homemade dry, mix equal parts of corn starch and baking soda. Add some fragrant. Mix the contents thoroughly and sprinkle the powder all over the carpet.