The Uninvited Guests: How a Homeowner in Roseville Dealt with Rats in Her Walls and Attic

Sharron, a longtime resident of Roseville, CA, had always taken great pride in keeping her home tidy and well-maintained. Her pantry was meticulously organized, her kitchen was spotless, and her house was usually free from clutter. However, a faint, almost imperceptible noise began to trouble her. It was a slight rustling sound coming from the walls near her pantry, a noise so soft that at first, she dismissed it as her imagination. But as the days went on, that faint sound became more persistent, and soon, she could no longer ignore the unsettling thought that something was crawling within the walls of her beloved home.

Rats in Her Walls

A Growing Concern

One evening, while preparing dinner, Sharron paused mid-task, tilting her head toward the wall next to her pantry. There it was again—just the slightest scratching noise. At first, she thought it might be something harmless, perhaps the wind causing a branch to scrape against the house or maybe even the pipes. She even mentioned it to her husband, Steve, but they both shrugged it off, thinking it couldn’t possibly be anything too serious.

“Maybe it’s just the house settling,” Steve had suggested, although there was a trace of unease in his voice. But after another week of hearing the odd noise—and with Steve away on a business trip—Sharron decided to investigate further.

Google to the Rescue: Finding Help        

Not knowing much about what could be behind the noise but having a gut feeling it wasn’t something she could handle on her own, Sharron turned to the quickest and most reliable source of information at her fingertips: Google. She typed in the words that most homeowners never want to type: rodent removal companies near me.”

Immediately, several options popped up on her screen. Living in Roseville, she was fortunate to have a number of local companies that specialized in wildlife and pest control. One particular company caught her eye—a wildlife removal expert with stellar reviews. Customers praised the company for its swift service, thorough inspections, and humane removal techniques. The testimonials reassured her that these were professionals who could handle whatever unwelcome guests had taken up residence in her home.

She wasted no time and gave them a call. The person on the other end of the line was understanding and calm, asking her detailed questions about the noises she had heard and explaining what the inspection process would involve. They scheduled an appointment for the very next day, and Sharron was relieved that help was on the way.

The Inspection: Finding the Intruders

The next morning, the wildlife removal expert arrived at Sharron’s doorstep, fully equipped with tools and a wealth of knowledge. He introduced himself and immediately got to work. He explained that based on Sharron’s description of the faint rustling noises, there was a high probability of some type of rodent infestation. Whether it was mice, rats, or even squirrels, they wouldn’t know until a full inspection had been completed.

The technician began by thoroughly inspecting the exterior of the home, looking for any possible entry points that rodents might have used to gain access. It didn’t take long for him to discover a small gap between the roof and the exterior wall. Sharron was shocked. She had never noticed the gap before, and yet, it was likely the primary entry point for the intruders.

Once inside, the technician checked various parts of the house, including the attic, basement, and crawl spaces. Using specialized equipment, he was able to listen for movement behind the walls and pinpoint the source of the noises Sharron had been hearing. It wasn’t good news.

The wildlife removal expert informed her that she had a rat problem. Not only were there rats in the walls near her pantry, but they had also made themselves at home in her attic. Rats are notorious for nesting in attics and using walls as passageways to move throughout a house. Their presence in both areas meant they had likely been there for some time, and the faint noises Sharron had heard were just the tip of the iceberg.

The Solution: A Thorough Rat Removal Service

Upon confirming the rat infestation, the wildlife removal expert assured Sharron that she wasn’t alone in this battle. Rat infestations are, unfortunately, a common issue in many homes, especially in suburban areas like Roseville where wildlife and human habitation often overlap. While it was unsettling news, it wasn’t an unsolvable problem.

The expert recommended a comprehensive rat removal service to not only evict the rats but also to ensure they wouldn’t return. The process was broken down into several steps:

  1. Sealing Entry Points: The first step was to ensure that no more rats could enter the house. This meant sealing up any cracks, holes, or gaps in the walls, roof, and foundation. The gap that had been discovered earlier between the roof and the exterior wall was quickly sealed with a sturdy, rodent-proof material. Other potential entry points were also addressed to prevent future infestations.
  2. Setting Humane Traps: While some homeowners might opt for lethal traps, Sharron was concerned about the safety of her pets and preferred a more humane approach. The wildlife removal expert used humane traps designed to capture the rats alive so they could be relocated away from the residential area. These traps were strategically placed in the attic, crawl spaces, and other areas where rats were likely to travel.
  3. Cleaning and Sanitizing: Once the rats were caught, it was crucial to clean and sanitize the areas where they had nested. Rats are notorious for leaving behind droppings, urine, and nesting materials, which can pose health risks to humans. The rat removal service included a thorough cleaning of the affected areas, removing any contaminated materials and ensuring that the attic and walls were sanitized.
  4. Preventative Measures: Finally, the wildlife removal expert provided Sharron with tips on how to prevent future infestations. This included keeping food sealed in airtight containers, regularly checking for new potential entry points, and ensuring that the house was clean and free of clutter—especially in areas like the pantry and attic where rodents are likely to seek shelter.

The Aftermath: A Rat-Free Home

Within a few days, Sharron’s home was rat-free. The rat removal service had successfully evicted the unwanted guests, and the preventative measures put in place ensured that they wouldn’t be returning anytime soon. Sharron and Steve, who had returned from his business trip, were both relieved that the problem had been addressed before it escalated into something worse.

Sharron couldn’t help but feel grateful for the quick and professional response from the wildlife removal expert. Without their help, the rats might have continued to multiply, causing more damage to the walls and attic. She learned a valuable lesson about being vigilant when it comes to unusual sounds in the home—what seems like a minor annoyance could be the first sign of a much larger problem.

Why Professional Help Matters

Sharron’s experience underscores the importance of seeking professional help when dealing with a rodent infestation. While it might be tempting to try DIY methods, rats are notorious for being difficult to evict once they’ve settled into a home. Their ability to squeeze through tiny spaces, their rapid breeding, and their destructive habits make them a formidable foe for any homeowner.

That’s why calling a wildlife removal expert or searching for rodent removal companies near me is the best course of action. These professionals have the knowledge, tools, and experience to not only remove the rodents but also to prevent future infestations. They understand the behavior of different types of rodents and can tailor their removal strategies accordingly.

For Sharron, the decision to call a wildlife removal expert was a game-changer. Had she tried to handle the situation on her own, the infestation could have worsened, leading to more significant damage to her home and potentially putting her family’s health at risk.

Protecting Your Home from Future Infestations

After the ordeal, Sharron became more proactive about protecting her home from future infestations. She followed the advice given by the wildlife removal expert and took several preventative steps:

  • Sealing Entry Points: Every few months, Sharron and Steve inspected the exterior of their home for any new gaps, cracks, or holes that could serve as entry points for rodents. By catching these issues early, they prevented any future intrusions.
  • Regular Maintenance: The attic, pantry, and basement were kept clean and free of clutter. Sharron made sure that food was stored in sealed containers and that the areas were regularly inspected for any signs of rodent activity.
  • Landscaping: Overgrown bushes, trees, and shrubs can serve as bridges for rodents to access roofs and attics. Sharron hired a landscaping company to trim back any vegetation that was too close to the house, reducing the likelihood of rats using them as pathways.


Sharron’s story is a valuable reminder for homeowners everywhere that strange noises behind walls or in attics should never be ignored. What might start as a barely noticeable sound can quickly turn into a serious problem, as rodent infestations often escalate without warning. Thankfully, in Sharron’s case, her quick decision to search for rodent removal companies near me led her to a skilled wildlife removal expert, whose expertise was critical in resolving the issue.

By addressing the problem early, Sharron not only eliminated the rats from her home but also prevented potential structural damage and health risks that could have occurred if the infestation had gone unchecked. The comprehensive rat removal service she received ensured that the rats were evicted and the home was safeguarded from future invasions.

Sharron’s experience highlights the importance of professional intervention when dealing with a rodent problem. DIY methods might seem tempting, but they often fail to address the root of the issue. Professionals, like the wildlife removal expert Sharron hired, come equipped with the tools, knowledge, and preventive measures necessary to tackle the problem thoroughly and humanely.

For Sharron and her husband, the ordeal ended on a positive note. Their home was returned to its peaceful state, and they now feel more prepared and vigilant about protecting their home from future threats. The lesson here is clear: if you hear something suspicious, don’t wait—reach out to trusted rodent removal companies near me for a reliable and long-term solution. After all, when it comes to the safety and comfort of your home, acting quickly can make all the difference.

With her home finally rat-free, Sharron can now enjoy the tranquility of her house, knowing that she took the right steps to protect it—and her peace of mind—for the future.

About Author:

I am Scott Miller and my love is writing about home improvement. I write mostly about home ideas, but also share some tips and tricks that can make your life easier when it comes to getting things done in the house.