How Do You Bid Landscape Lights?

When you’re trying to determine a cost for landscape lighting, you need to know what materials you’ll need, how much labor it will take, and the overhead expenses. If you’re tackling a larger project, you’ll need to consider several stages and various options. You’ll need to schedule 40 pipes for securing wires underneath sidewalks and other architectural features. Other items you’ll need include specialty hardware for mounting the transformer and zip ties for running wire along architectural features.


Choosing the right lighting system for your property is an essential part of enhancing the curb appeal of your property, and incorporating lighting into your landscape design can add a whole new level of ambiance. Landscape lighting along paths should be soft and subtle, yet bright enough to illuminate the path while illuminating other structures. Solar lights are an option for paths, highlighting various structures. Uplights and downlights create silhouettes or shadows below objects.

When bidding on a landscape lighting project, be prepared to present a proposal. Generally, proposals for landscape lighting are one or two pages long. A proposal for landscape lighting must include a list of materials and a description of the lighting technique. A proposal should also include the cost of the project. You may also want to provide a design, so the lighting contractor can see how the plan will be used. But if you’re not sure of what to include in your proposal, it’s always a good idea to make a sample.

Low voltage and solar landscape lighting are the two most common types of lighting used in landscape designs. Both types of lighting are energy-efficient, and solar landscape lighting requires no wiring. The low voltage lights are usually powered by a transformer, lowering the household current to twelve volts. They’re safer to use than line-voltage lighting, and are easy to move and install. The low-voltage landscape lighting systems are also easier to work with.

When calculating the total wattage of your lights, be sure to consider how many you need. Twenty 12-watt lights, for example, would need 240 watts of lighting. You should also take into account the transformer’s wattage capacity, as well as whether your landscape lighting system will use high-voltage lights. To avoid wasting energy, choose transformers with low-voltage output. They are typically mounted outside and plugged into household current through an outside electrical outlet. A 15-amp 120-volt circuit can handle 1440 watts.

Generally, it’s best to look online for a reputable company that has experience in landscape lighting. You can also check customer reviews and testimonials online. Make sure you research each company before you decide on one. If you’re looking for a company, ask for referrals from people you trust. Ask them to install landscape lighting, and compare the prices they offer. After you’ve narrowed down the field, you’ll be better equipped to decide on a company that offers competitive pricing and great service. You can also visit for more information.